Welcome! God called us to plant a church in Abita Springs that could bring the refreshing "living waters" of Jesus to the people of our community.
Connecting Abita Springs with the sweet water of Jesus!
Connecting Abita Springs with the sweet water of Jesus!
Welcome! God called us to plant a church in Abita Springs that could bring the refreshing "living waters" of Jesus to the people of our community.
SweetWater Church gathers on Sundays at 10am at the Abita Springs Recreation Center.
Our gatherings are relaxed and relational and usually last a little more than an hour.
Here’s what you can expect every Sunday:
Our Services
We gather for worship on Sundays at 10am at the Abita Springs Recreation Center located at 22519 LA 36 in Abita Springs. The dress is casual, the music is uplifting, and the message is biblical based and applicable to our lives.
We have children’s Sunday School during our worship gatherings. Children remain with their parents through the music portion of the service before going to Sunday School in the space just down the hall from the gym. They will return to the gym prior to the final dismissal.
Current Message Series
We're preaching a series from the 8th and 9th chapters of Matthew leading up to Easter Sunday. Join us on Sundays at 10am at the Abita Springs Gym. You can also watch videos from this series and other messages by clicking watch-sunday-services
Our Vision
SweetWater Church lives and breathes vibrancy as a congregation that reaches new believers with the life-changing gospel. Our members possess a maturity in Christ because they devote themselves to Him and His Word and have dedicated themselves to caring for one another. We have a passion to minister to our friends and neighbors so that we can lead them to faith in Christ.
Our members have a deep passion to minister to people of all ages. We diligently seek opportunities to engage people in gospel conversations through activities, community events, and group gatherings. Our Sunday gatherings focus on worshiping God and fellowshipping with and equipping people so that we can advance Christ’s work through living out the gospel in the workplace and our neighborhoods.
Send NetWork Louisiana
Send Network is a family of churches planting churches everywhere for everyone. SweetWater Church is a Send Network church that enables our congregation join in God’s activity to see his kingdom expand in North America through planting churches together.
We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of the month. This time of remembering Christ’s death and resurrection encourages unity with His followers.